REWISE week | main event 22.8.2022

Posted on 2022-08-11 11:56:14 EEST.

Resurssiviisaan teollisuuden visiot ja VR-demonstraatiot

Welcome to be inspired at Rewise's demo presentation event in Muova or remotely via Zoom!

We will dive into resource wisdom in the speeches of several experts. We talk about what resource wisdom really means, what kind of results we got in our mapping of Ostrobothnia industry and what the life-cycle assessment of the forestry chain looks like.

We also keep the open doors 23.-26.8. if you want to book an appointment for your company's own session (1-2 h). We offer means for developing the resource wisdom in your company's value chain. Remember to book your time by email before 18.8.2022

Program of the main event

10.00 Welcoming words | project manager Miia Lammi
10.15 Resource-wisdom – what does it mean? | Karita Luokkanen-Rabetino (general presentation about the topic)
10.30 Developing resource-wise industry in Ostrobothnia | Sanna Peltonen (presentation about the Rewise process and companies perspectives on the topic)
10.45 Life-cycle assessment of the forestry chain | Bening Mayanti
11.00 Lunch at MUOVA
11.30 Developing VR demonstrations | João Pereira
11.45 Exploring VR demonstrations in Coprotolab
14.00 End of the event.

Design Centre MUOVA / CoProtolab
Wolffintie 36 F 11 (Palosaari) 4th floor
65200 Vaasa
The map and parking areas:

Registration by email miia.lammi(at)

Event is open for everyone and free of charge.
